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Osaka Property Exhibition and Seminar
17 & 18 Jul (Sat & Sun)
11AM - 7PM

6/F, The Peninsula Hong Kong


五綫匯聚準現樓 現場折扣連優惠總值高達50萬港元


  • 大阪獲英雜誌Economist評選為世界宜居都市第二名,治安及醫療均達100分滿分
  • 大阪樓市疫市上升,都市圈全新公寓去年底大幅上升近11%
  • 項目位於日本人社區「天下茶屋」站,坐擁機場快綫及四綫匯聚,兩站到難波及三站到心齋橋
  • 3分鐘步程到地鐵站,生活設施齊全,餐廳、24小時超市、藥妝店應有盡有,前往未來世博及賭場僅30分鐘
  • 大阪第一大管理公司提供全方位出租托管服務,同時滿足放租及自住兩大需求


查詢:3758 2969 

WhatsApp: 5611 8401



FMI至匯投資創辦人、《翔勝投資之道》作者兼《東周刊》國際物業投資專欄作家李丹翔Amous 聯乘四大界別專家全方位分析日本大阪房地產


【第一場】7月17日(週六)12pm – 1pm主題:疫後日本樓市新常態,專家教你低息環境下創造現金流

嘉賓:環一國際地產有限公司國際業務拓展經理張景榮先生 (Raymond)


【第二場】7月17日(週六)3pm – 4pm主題:跟著家辦服務專家馮博士探究有錢人致富方程式

嘉賓:京基優越財富管理公司董事總經理及首席執行官馮嘉諾博士 (Jowin)


【第三場】7月18日(週日)12pm – 1pm主題:想移居日本大阪?日本達人教你「瀛富之學」

嘉賓:Skytree Strategy 日本房屋網董事何家威先生 (Tony)


【第四場】7月18日(週日)3pm – 4pm主題:當紅電商教你日本邊玩邊賺及經營民宿之道


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Why FMI?

Details are correct at time of going to press. Computer generated images are for illustrative purposes only. #Travel times and walking times are approximate and for reference only. *Terms and conditions applied. The information contained in this publication, its pictures and other related material issued by FM Investment Group Limited and DWG Hong Kong Limited are for information purposes only. All descriptions and other particulars are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. Readers are advised to make their own enquiries to verify such information. We and our representatives or affiliates only work in relation to real estate situated outside Hong Kong therefore FM Investment Group Ltd., DWG Hong Kong Limited, their representatives and their affiliates are exempted from obtaining license under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with real estate outside Hong Kong and we are not licensed to deal with any property situated in Hong Kong. property number: DHK-JP02