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West London Acton W3 Property Exhibition and Seminar
22 & 23 Oct (Sat - Sun)
11am - 6pm
4/F, Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, Tsim Sha Tsui

西倫敦W3 Acton新盤首批單位沽淸


Acton Town雙線地鐵站及Chiswick

英鎊歷史新低 ,置業黃金時機

  • Acton W3位於西倫敦Zone 3優質地段,受惠於倫敦交通局(TFL)£10億打造新社區,將成為未來核心及豪宅區之一
  • 5間頂尖學府30分鐘內可達,包括Imperial College、King’s College、LSE、UCL、University of West London
  • 步行8分鐘到Chiswick Park商業中心,坐擁國際大型企業包括Starbucks、Paramount、Singapore Airlines、AXA等,提供超過24,000個就業機會
  • 坐落倫敦著名公園Gunnersbury Park(比香港維園大四倍),Acton Town Tube Station坐擁District & Piccadilly雙線匯聚
  • 首期10%,999年業權,租金回報約5%,呎價約£850,可承造最高75%按揭*


查詢: 3758 2969

WhatsApp: 5611 8401




免費泊車2小時(中間道H Zentre)

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Details are correct at time of going to press. Computer generated images are for illustrative purposes only. #Travel times and walking times are approximate and for reference only. *Terms and conditions applied. The information contained in this publication, its pictures and other related material issued by FM Investment Group Limited are for information purposes only. All descriptions and other particulars are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. Readers are advised to make their own enquiries to verify such information. We and our representatives or affiliates only work in relation to real estate situated outside Hong Kong therefore FM Investment Group Ltd., its representatives and its affiliates are exempted from obtaining license under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with real estate outside Hong Kong and we are not licensed to deal with any property situated in Hong Kong. property number: UK138