- 免稅天堂:「零」薪俸稅、入息稅、物業稅、資本增值稅
- 信心保證:項目由當地最大發展商Aldar興建,Aldar是英超球隊曼城的合作夥伴,連阿布扎比政府都擁有其股權
- 賭場發展:永利集團(Wynn)宣佈獲發阿聯酋首張賭牌,賭場選址拉斯海瑪,2027年開業,將吸引大量來自歐洲和亞洲的富裕旅客到訪
- 升值潛力區:項目位於Yas Island,擁有 Yas Mall、Ferrari World、F1阿布扎比大獎賽的舉辦地Yas Marina Circuit 等世界級的娛樂設施,推動當地物業市場及短租市場的需求
- 黃金簽證:海外買家購買價值200萬迪拉姆(約426萬港元)或以上的物業,可獲得十年期的「黃金簽證」,可在阿聯酋生活、工作及享受當地的福利,包括醫療和教育等
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Details are correct at time of going to press. Computer generated images are for illustrative purposes only. #Travel times and walking times are approximate and for reference only. *Terms and conditions applied. The information contained in this publication, its pictures and other related material issued by FM Investment Group Limited are for information purposes only. All descriptions and other particulars are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. Readers are advised to make their own enquiries to verify such information. We and our representatives or affiliates only work in relation to real estate situated outside Hong Kong therefore FM Investment Group Ltd., its representatives and its affiliates are exempted from obtaining license under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with real estate outside Hong Kong and we are not licensed to deal with any property situated in Hong Kong. property number: UAE001