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4 & 5 July(Sat & Sun)

11AM - 7PM

6/F, The Peninsula Hong Kong

大阪【地王】難波なんば 新樓


  • 毗鄰地標高島屋百貨、0101、Namba Parks,Swissotel酒店及南海電鐵站
  • 難波站為大阪市中心交通命脈,坐擁1站7線,包括JR、機場快綫、御堂筋綫等,連接整個關西地帶及未來賭場
  • 大阪第一大管理公司提供全方位出租托管服務,同時滿足放租及自住兩大需求
  • 一房一廳設計,代辦按揭可達6成,月租收入約港幣13,000,月供約港幣9,500










查詢:3468 7299 WhatsApp: 6187 9014(按此查詢)


Seminar Theme

12PM / 4PM 移居日本有辦法!專家教你如何在大阪置業兼可取得簽證,並分享營運日本民宿的注意事項

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Why this country


眾多大型購物中心都在項目的步行範圍以內: 5分鐘到Namba Parks11分鐘到名牌雲集的高島屋百貨公司(Takashimaya)13分鐘到OIOI 丸井百貨




Why FMI?

Details are correct at time of going to press. Computer generated images are for illustrative purposes only. #Travel times and walking times are approximate and for reference only. *Terms and conditions applied. The information contained in this publication, its pictures and other related material issued by FM Investment Group Limited are for information purposes only. All descriptions and other particulars are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. Readers are advised to make their own enquiries to verify such information. We and our representatives or affiliates only work in relation to real estate situated outside Hong Kong therefore FM Investment Group Ltd., its representatives and its affiliates are exempted from obtaining license under the Estate Agents Ordinance (Cap. 511 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to deal with real estate outside Hong Kong and we are not licensed to deal with any property situated in Hong Kong. property number: JPN22